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Social programs

“Professional staff united by a culture of cooperation and trust” (one of the key success factors)

The main asset of any business is people! The success of the company depends on their professionalism, talent and spirit.

The management of the Ural Spring Plant pays a lot of attention to social programs in order to make the plant employees comfortable and pleasant to work with.

“We care about our employees. You should come to work with pleasure, and leave healthy and happy ... ”- General Director of Ural Spring Plant LLC

Denis Lukmanov

Social programs and projects
- Work with youth is one of the priority areas of the HR strategy. The company works with educational institutions in the following areas:

conducts production practice in paid workplaces;
organizes open days for graduate students;
conducts excursions for schoolchildren and students.

- Employees of the “older generation” - become mentors and have the opportunity to transfer their knowledge and skills to the new generation - successors
- All interested employees of the enterprise are provided with benefits for visiting the pool and fitness centers of the city.
- Factory tours for loved ones and relatives. Each member of the family of our employees can visit the enterprise and see - “Where does Dad or Mom work!?!”
- In 2017, a meal room was organized, where employees are offered complex lunches. The company also has its own laundry.
- There is no punishment system at the enterprise. - No depreciation: “We do not deprive bonuses, we change the system!”
- Monthly meetings are held with the Director General, where each employee can ask the Director General a direct question.

Ural Spring Plant is a “point of good”!
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