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Belleville springs

Belleville springs or washers are special resilient products made of spring-spring steel. They are produced according to the German standard DIN 2093 and Russian GOST 3057-90. They come in different thicknesses and sizes (from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters), with or without coating.

Today din 2093 spring disk washer is used in the case when it is necessary to ensure the stability of the connection to high power loads with minor deformations. Moreover, the spring disk din 2093 can be manufactured using various alloys; spring-spring is often used, since it has all the required properties.

The principle of operation of the part is quite simple. It consists in using the properties of certain metals associated with a change in its shape and its restoration under the influence of force. Due to this, the spring plate washer can significantly increase the strength of the connection in the case when the device accept vibration loads ..

It should be borne in mind that some versions are made exclusively upon agreement with the customer. Serious deviations can cause a significant decrease in strength.

Only when certain requirements for the manufacture of Belleville springs are met are the required parameters achieved. The main ones are the following:

In most cases, a package of Belleville springs is made using 60C2A grade steel. This standard is established in GOST 14959-79. Such a material has all the required characteristics, due to which long-term operation is ensured.
In coordination with the buyer, other alloys can be used, for example, 51ХФА and 60С2Н2А. Some of them have unique operational characteristics that determine the distribution of the product. An example is elasticity, hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance. However, when choosing the most suitable alloy, cost is taken into account.
Hardness may vary between 46-52 HRC or 420-512 HB. Only with this indicator, the part can last for a long period. In some cases, surface heat treatment is carried out, due to which the rate of hardness and wear resistance is significantly increased. Due to the thermal effect and the corresponding cooling, the structure is rebuilt.
At the time of production, attention is paid to ensuring that there are no shells, cracks, traces of corrosion or corrosion on the surface. Such defects cause a significant decrease in the strength and reliability of the part. Manufacturers apply a variety of ways to control the quality of products. In most cases, the method of visual inspection is used, as well as spot testing and many others.
Attention is also paid to the roughness parameter. The required value is achieved by machining the surface. Too high a value becomes the reason why the product cannot be used in certain conditions. However, the machining method significantly increases the cost of the procedure. High-precision disk springs, which are installed when creating critical products, are obtained using special equipment.
The width of the reference planes can vary in a wide range, this parameter is indicated in the table.

Today, the production of Belleville springs is carried out using special equipment, due to which the task is greatly simplified. Features of the manufacture of Belleville springs is also the use of special alloys that meet the requirements.

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