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26 March 2019

Launching initiatives

One of the most important goals of the company "Ural Spring Plant" LLC is to ensure high quality of products, which is controlled by a set of measures among which there are a constant improvement of technologies and a development of potential of each worker and the plant in a whole. Traditionally an interstage inspection is performed two times: at first, by an executor and then by a controller from the Quality Control Department. Such a procedure does not promote increasing of the executor's responsibility for the quality of their work and requires additional labor costs for follow-up inspections carried out by a controlling personnel. For this reason, an initiative regarding the transfer to a self control of quality was considered and accepted. It was initiated by one of the shifts on production of springs for freight railway cars under the direction of Aleksey Ovchinnikov. Within two months of operation using new practices they have proved that they were ready to ensure quality of each operation in the line due to the understanding that quality is ensured not by a control but by a manufacturing technology. Within the process of quality integration into the production process, besides seeing defects, it is important to take measures for their prevention and elimination of recurring defects. The decision was taken by the plant workers taking into account their knowledge, skills and experience, because to be an executor and a controller at the same time one should have a perfect knowledge of a technological process, possess technical knowledge and practical skills, i.e. have high qualification and be sensible of personal responsibility in a common cause of product quality assurance. Along with financial incentives, it was decided to encourage the workers by a trip to the Aquapark with their families, where everybody were able to spend time with pleasure and with profit to their health. The trip has become a real joy for adults and children, an ability to communicate with relatives and colleagues and it has contributed into personnel relations. Such a support of production initiatives surely works towards their development and implementation at the enterprise.
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