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22 July 2022

Successfully passed the procedure of pre-nomination audit

"Ural Spring Plant" LLC has successfully passed the procedure of pre-nomination audit, the purpose of which was to determine the prospects for collaborative work in the field of production and sale of spring products.

The auditor was the scientific research institute in the field of automotive theory and technology in the Russian Federation. Scientists and designers of this center were directly involved in the development of almost all domestic cars and trucks.

The delegation consisted of a lead specialist of the development department, the head of the department of designing parts for advanced energy units, industrial development head in the direction of metalworking, as well as a procurement specialist.

In the course of the audit, representatives of the scientific center got acquainted with the existing production processes for the manufacture of a wide range of spring products at the sites of "Ural Spring Plant" LLC. Negotiations were also held, where key issues for fruitful and long-term cooperation were discussed.

As a result of the audit, "Ural Spring Plant" LLC was recommended for the production and supply of its products. Our company has been awarded "A" status, indicating the 89% compliance index.

A well-coordinated teamwork of our employees creates conditions for the high level of production activity. Worthy quality of products, advertence to the requirements and wishes of customers allow us to maintain the loyalty of long-standing partners and attract new ones. Thus, "Ural Spring Plant" LLC expands the sales segment of its products and plans to supply products for the auto conveyors.

We congratulate all the employees on the excellent audit result. We are waiting for the interesting and mutually beneficial cooperation in accordance with the goals and objectives set.

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