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Прием заявок

Politics and Values

Ural Spring Plant is a leading enterprise recognized in the domestic and world markets, a supplier of a wide range of modern elastic components.

The personnel management policy of Ural Spring Plant LLC is aimed at creating an effective personnel management mechanism based on social partnership within the framework of the tasks of ensuring core business. The policy proceeds from the provisions of the business strategy, which determines the long-term, medium-term and short-term goals of the Company, the ways to achieve them and key indicators that reflect the degree of achievement of these goals, and contributes to the implementation of the business strategy.

Ural Spring Plant - is a reliable partner, focused on the goals of long-term cooperation.

Ural Spring Plant is a socially responsible company contributing to the development of the region through the full payment of taxes, job creation, charity.

Our values

Respect and Responsibility
We respect employees, our customers and partners, society and the state. We are responsible for the results of working with them.
Legality, citizenship and social responsibility
We strictly comply with generally accepted principles and norms of international law, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan
Professionalism, development, and self-improvement
We are confident that experience and thorough knowledge of our business, continuous improvement, learning, searching, and innovation can lead us to achieve our goals.
We are convinced that product quality and customer service, both internal and external, are essential factors for success.
Collaboration and openness
We are confident that mutual understanding and mutual trust, mutual assistance, corporate solidarity and joint solution of problems within the organization, open, transparent and friendly interaction with partners, customers, the public, government bodies will allow us to realize our mission
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Creation and promotion of the site - Manitura